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Red resource unit
Build time2 (takes 2 turns to construct)
At the start of your turn, gain Attack
Supply: 10
Cost: 4GoldRed resource
Build time: Build time2
Health: Health1
Attack: Attack
Position: Back Right

A Tarsier

Tarsier is a Red unit.


The Tarsier is the red resource basic attack unit. It is, in the Basic set, considered to be one of the most efficient attackers to produce when compared to the Steelsplitter] and the Gauss Cannon.

Compare the following basic units:

2 Conduits (Initial Cost) + 2 Gauss Cannons per turn = 8 Gold + (12 Gold + 2 Green)/Turn 2 Blastforges (Initial Cost) + 2 Steelsplitters per turn = 10 Gold + (12 Gold + 2 Blue)/Turn 1 Animus (Initial Cost) + 2 Tarsiers per turn = 6 Gold + (8 Gold + 2 Red)/Turn

After 5 turns of production, you deplete the supply of these basic offensive units and get the following:

10 Gauss Cannons @ 68 Gold. 10 Steelsplitters @ 70 Gold. 10 Tarsiers @ 46 Gold.

With all that extra Gold from going with Tarsiers, you can buy more Rhinos or invest in other advanced technology.

However, do not be fooled and think that Tarsiers are always the superior choice. Tarsiers have two downsides. The first is that they take two turns to build. This allows your opponent to build up a suitable defense and pursue a few more economic actions than against other immediate attackers. The second is that Tarsiers are very fragile. In breach situations, Tarsiers are usually one of the first units to die. If you are playing with Tarsiers you are most likely looking to avoid getting breached for as long a time as possible. This makes Tarsiers somewhat non-synergistic with the true potential of Gauss Cannons and their high health.

Tarsiers work very well in sets featuring better-than-Walls defenders. They also naturally combo as a force multiplier with the Amporilla.


